Monthly Archives: October 2009

Fun Freebies!

And, as long as I have your attention, if you didn’t take advantage of this offer from Nescafe before, you now have another chance to get a nice pack of instant coffee samples from Taster’s Choice.  Just click here and fill out the form.  They’re pretty good!  And, they’re SOOO convenient!

And, Boston Market has some great coupons on their web site, right now, including one (but get it quickly, it expires 10/31) that gives you a few pieces of chicken (a quarter white meat or 3 pieces of dark meat), side dish and cornbread for $1.  Yep, that’s one crisp one dollar bill.  The problem is, as word spreads, everyone seems to be slamming the Boston Market web site, but if you have time to try to get that to load, here’s the link for the coupons!

No More Trauma for NBC

I can’t even begin to tell you how disappointed, angry and confused I am over NBC’s programming decisions in the last year or so.  They’ve cancelled shows I’ve really enjoyed and put Jay Leno on at 10pm, in effect eliminating 5 one hour dramas.  Yes, they let CBS pick up Medium, which was awesome.  But, they’re not cooperating with TNT about getting Southland back on the air. 

Now this, NBC has cancelled Trauma.  Despite a huge build up in promotion and some INCREDIBLE effects for television, a terrific cast and exciting suspense each week, the network says it will let Trauma play out the 13 episodes of this season, then it’s sayonara.  No more Rabbit sauntering around in his coveralls, looking all gorg and smoldery.  No more Jamey Sheridan being all mentory.  No more Herc, errr, Tyler being all funny and odd as his sideburns.  I really liked the characters and their dynamic.  Now, NBC is rushing around to order more episodes of Chuck, a show that’s been on the bubble since it started!  I mean, I like Chuck, but I don’t find it as engaging as Trauma.  Chuck is a dram-edy that always makes me wonder how many spies and secret agents are just walking around everywhere, anyway?  They seem to have a lot swinging by the Buy More.  Oh well, thanks for giving me another free hour, but a raspberry to you, NBC.  What show could succeed with that Heroes lead in?

Just a Couple of Deals…

Rats.  I missed telling you about the KFC grilled chicken giveaway, yesterday.  They were giving away free pieces of their grilled chicken all day, again.  It’s really good.  But, I wanted to pass along a couple of things I heard today…

For a limited time, you can order a free sample of Oregon Chai.  It’s a spiced tea drink, and if you haven’t had it before, you’re really missing out.  It’s DELICIOUS, especially when it’s cold outside.  Click here for the form

Also, I just saw a tweet from Marc’s that, while they last, they have turkeys for 59 cents a pound!  We always put off getting our turkey for Thanksgiving until the last minute, and then we end up with one that’s, like, 40 pounds!  And there’s no excuse, we have a freezer in the basement!  I need to try to take advantage of this!!

Marc GlassmanMarcsStores WOW! Get them now for the holidays, Honeysuckle White Turkeys for 59¢ per lb. (limit 2) These will not last at this price!


Kid Not a Genius?

I remember when the baby was born, my friend, Michelle sent me a Baby Einstein CD of classical music and wrote something like, “Make sure he listens to this, and he will become a genius.”  She was being facetious.  But that was, in effect, the claim made by Baby Einstein and other products of that ilk.  Sit your baby in front of this DVD, and you can make dinner, and he/she will become brilliant.  Uhhhh, what?

They have TV shows and CDs and DVDs and games.  My baby LOVED the little bouncer chair with the noises and different grabby toys.  And, we all KNOW that the claim is not valid, but someone decided to call Baby Einstein, and parent company Disney, on that.  So now, if you have some Baby Einstein stuff, you can get a refund.  To be fair, they’ve always had a money back guarantee, but you had to ask for the refund within 30 days and provide a receipt.  Now, with this form, you can turn in any Baby Einstein DVD for another Baby Einstein item or a refund of $15.99, up to four times!  Just make sure you get in your request before the deadline.


How Long is 18 Years…

I can’t believe that 18 years ago this minute, I was holding my newborn baby in my arms.  I’m trying to focus on the positive, because everything was fine, then they took him away to clean him and weigh him, and he got mad, and his heart rate shot up, and then they put him in NICU for a week, and so that afterbirth high came crashing down, and we were miserable for a few weeks.  But at this moment, 18 years ago, I was deliriously happy, and tired. 

Now, he’s over six feet tall, wonderfully sweet and infuriatingly clueless.  He’s my first angel.  And, I love him.  Happy Birthday, FJC.


Concierge! Where's My Porter?

Yikes, I know.  That was horrible!  Thankfully, the two beers I tried last night were not.  In fact, I think you’d be hard-pressed to find anything horrible at Cleveland Beer Week events!  I mean, unless you have very strong and distinct dislike for, say, cloves, and you buy a Christmas Ale, you should always be drinking something wonderful!  The start time for the dozens of Cleveland Beer Week specials and tappings and happy hours is 6:01pm, Friday.  Check the calendar here!  If I was you, I’d hit a beer and food pairing.  Then, you’ll know you’re tasting what you’re supposed to taste!

I had an inspiration last night to pair two of the same types of beer for review.  Since I was feeling chilled from the weather change, I thought a robust porter would be just the ticket.  So, I went for old faithful, something from the Great Lakes Brewing Company.  I’ve had their Edmund Fitzgerald many times over the years, but this time, I was actually trying to discern different characteristics in the brew.  It’s not as dark as it looks, in the picture, but a porter should have that dark caramel-y brown color.  It had a nice head on the pour, and I noticed the smokeyness of the aroma.  I think that’s the hops.  Correct me if I’m wrong, beer snobs!  Edmund Fitzgerald is very smooth, the flavor is distinctive.  The thing that I don’t like about it very much is that smokey after taste.  Now, my husband and his friends who even do their own homebrewing love that, but to me, it’s kind of like inhaling too much, when he’s doing the ribs on the smoker.  GLBC says it’s a “bittersweet chocolate coffee taste.”  Like it, don’t love it.  ABV 5.8%

This picture does not represent my pour of The Thirsty Dog’s Old Leghumper.  Old Leghumper is a Robust Porter, and I had a better head on my pint.  It was delicious.  I love that Thirsty Dog has gone with that theme of using canine expressions in all of their brews.  The color was dark brown, there was a sweet malty aftertaste.  It was smooth and had a great flavor.  I preferred the Old Leghumper Porter!  But, why don’t you judge, for yourself this weekend?  Fun idea, no?

Thirsty Dog Brewing Company and Great Lakes Brewing Company are sponsors of Cleveland Beer Week.  There are a ton of events going on this weekend.  Check the calendar here.  On Saturday, look for specials on Thirsty Dog at Shaker IGA Marketplace, Heinen’s (beer and chocolate pairings!), Rozi’s Wine House (chef prepared pairings), The Beer Engine (all sorts of celebs and John Najeway of Thirsty Dog!), John Q’s Steakhouse, Whole Foods, Zagaras Market, Johnny’s Little Bar, Cebars Euclid Tavern and Wilberts.  On Saturday, you’ll find specials on Great Lakes Brewing Company beers at Ironwood Cafe, Muldoon’s, Johnny’s Little Bar and at that Beer and Wine Tasting Extravaganza at Rozi’s Wine House.  Salut!

Concierge! Where’s My Porter?

Yikes, I know.  That was horrible!  Thankfully, the two beers I tried last night were not.  In fact, I think you’d be hard-pressed to find anything horrible at Cleveland Beer Week events!  I mean, unless you have very strong and distinct dislike for, say, cloves, and you buy a Christmas Ale, you should always be drinking something wonderful!  The start time for the dozens of Cleveland Beer Week specials and tappings and happy hours is 6:01pm, Friday.  Check the calendar here!  If I was you, I’d hit a beer and food pairing.  Then, you’ll know you’re tasting what you’re supposed to taste!

I had an inspiration last night to pair two of the same types of beer for review.  Since I was feeling chilled from the weather change, I thought a robust porter would be just the ticket.  So, I went for old faithful, something from the Great Lakes Brewing Company.  I’ve had their Edmund Fitzgerald many times over the years, but this time, I was actually trying to discern different characteristics in the brew.  It’s not as dark as it looks, in the picture, but a porter should have that dark caramel-y brown color.  It had a nice head on the pour, and I noticed the smokeyness of the aroma.  I think that’s the hops.  Correct me if I’m wrong, beer snobs!  Edmund Fitzgerald is very smooth, the flavor is distinctive.  The thing that I don’t like about it very much is that smokey after taste.  Now, my husband and his friends who even do their own homebrewing love that, but to me, it’s kind of like inhaling too much, when he’s doing the ribs on the smoker.  GLBC says it’s a “bittersweet chocolate coffee taste.”  Like it, don’t love it.  ABV 5.8%

This picture does not represent my pour of The Thirsty Dog’s Old Leghumper.  Old Leghumper is a Robust Porter, and I had a better head on my pint.  It was delicious.  I love that Thirsty Dog has gone with that theme of using canine expressions in all of their brews.  The color was dark brown, there was a sweet malty aftertaste.  It was smooth and had a great flavor.  I preferred the Old Leghumper Porter!  But, why don’t you judge, for yourself this weekend?  Fun idea, no?

Thirsty Dog Brewing Company and Great Lakes Brewing Company are sponsors of Cleveland Beer Week.  There are a ton of events going on this weekend.  Check the calendar here.  On Saturday, look for specials on Thirsty Dog at Shaker IGA Marketplace, Heinen’s (beer and chocolate pairings!), Rozi’s Wine House (chef prepared pairings), The Beer Engine (all sorts of celebs and John Najeway of Thirsty Dog!), John Q’s Steakhouse, Whole Foods, Zagaras Market, Johnny’s Little Bar, Cebars Euclid Tavern and Wilberts.  On Saturday, you’ll find specials on Great Lakes Brewing Company beers at Ironwood Cafe, Muldoon’s, Johnny’s Little Bar and at that Beer and Wine Tasting Extravaganza at Rozi’s Wine House.  Salut!

Drink Up Cleveland Beer Week!

Each day, I will attempt to impart to you how fabulous (or not, to my tastes) a locally produced brew is, in hopes that you will be inspired to attend one/some/all of the events during Cleveland Beer Week.  Of course, there is always great local beer to drink, but starting Friday, we’ll be able to celebrate it, with a lot of really fun and interesting events and money saving specials!

We decided to bring out one of the big boys on Tuesday night.  I love the bottle.  Isn’t it cute?  Now, this review took a little longer than it should have, because I was trying to find out where it was brewed.  I had always thought Buckeye Brewing Company was in Bedford Heights.  And, it was, but the guys who owned it, sold it to someone, then opened The Beer Engine in Lakewood, which has outstanding food, as well as great beer and knowledgeable bartenders.  Okay, so shoot me an email if I’m wrong, but I think this bling bling Pale Ale comes from Buckeye via The Beer Engine.  ANYWAY, I LOVED IT.  I am a pale ale fan.  This had a great pour and good carbonation.  I loved the golden color and a hint of pine notes in the aroma.  The description on The Beer Engine page says amarillo hops, so I’m going to assume that is what hit me first, some citrus and the clean clean finish of a good pale ale.  Big fan!  ABV 6.3

Our next selection comes from The Thirsty Dog Brewing Company in Akron.  I’ve been to their Brew Pub in Fairlawn a few times, and we have always had a really good experience there.  This is their seasonal, obviously, Barktoberfest.  It’s a German style Oktoberfest made with traditional, old world grains, yeast and hops.  I had high hopes, when I poured it out, nice caramel color and good head.  Maybe I just don’t know what an Oktoberfest is supposed to taste like.  I was expecting something like a bock, which I love.  This did not have that sweetness or depth of character.  It was more bitter, which might be intentional.  Like I said, I can only go with what I know.  I liked it, I didn’t love it.  ABV 6%

Cleveland Beer Week starts tomorrow.  The Beer Engine has a De Dolle Delle Teve Tapping Event.  And, you can get Thirsty Dog pint specials at Wilberts, John Q’s Steakhouse, Johnny’s Little Bar and Cebars Euclid Tavern.  And, Thirsty Dog brews are featured at a free beer promo at Shaker IGA Marketplace.

New TV on DVD, Be a Seeker!

We’re getting into a fun period of time, with the TV released on DVD.  We’re getting close to Christmas.  This is when I start perusing these lists and start adding items to my wishlist!

I was having a little trouble deciding what to recommend to you this week, then I came across this picture of Richard and Kahlan, from Legend of the Seeker.  *sigh*  I mean, come on!  Has a carbohydrate ever passed through this boy’s lips??  Legend takes us back to the 90s, when Hercules and Xena were all the rage.  This is the same kind of story, with swashbuckling and magic and a journey.  The downside to the series is that, by today’s standards, it was VERY long, maybe 24 episodes this summer, and we just lost steam.  But, I’ve been catching up with the re-runs (8 and 9pm , Saturday nights on WMVX) and have just 4 episodes before the big face off with Darken Rahl.

The other contender was Season 1 of Flashpoint.  It’s the little show that could.  They took production of a SWAT team procedural to Canada to film, during the writer’s strike, and it ended up being the only fresh thing on CBS for a while.  I like it, though I’m not totally caught up on that either.  It’s one of those shows that lingers on my DVR, which is why I am putting it on my wishlist, so I can watch it and not feel guilt over it, every time I see it in my menu!!  It’s not the first recommendation because, let’s face it, I like Enrico Colantoni, but he does not have abs like that!

Here’s what else is out:

  • Backyardigans – Robot Repairman
  • Bugs Bunny/Looney Tunes – Spotlight Collection Vol. 7
  • Curious George – A Very Monkey Christmas
  • Flashpoint – Season 1
  • Futurama – The Complete Collection
  • Girlfriends – Season 7
  • Holiday TV Comedy Collection – a mix of Christmas episodes from various shows, including The Office, 30 Rock, Psych, Monk, and House.
  • The Hunger – Season 2
  • Inspector Lewis – Season 2
  • Jackass – The Lost Tapes
  • Land of the Lost – Seasons 1, 2, and 3 (nice of them to release this the same week as the Will Ferrell movie, hoping for confusion, eh?)
  • Legend of the Seeker – Season 1
  • Lovejoy – Complete Collection and Season 6
  • Married … with Children – Season 11
  • The Mighty Boosh – Complete Series (Special Edition: Seasons 1-3)
  • Nick Swardson – Seriously, Who Farted?
  • Pat Paulsen’s Half A Comedy Hour – Complete Series
  • Tom & Jerry – Greatest Chases, Vol. 3
  • Wuthering Heights – Miniseries

And, I have to mention Wubb Idol is out!  This one has been on the baby’s wishlist forever.  It’s the episode where Beyonce, as Star, comes to Wuzzleburg to perform in the Wubb Idol competition with the other girls in her group, the Wubb Girls.  The baby is a big Beyonce fan.  *shrug*

What an Ordeal.

This is the fact on the cover of the new issue of People Magazine.  It’s not Jennifer Aniston or Britney Spears, but I’ll bet they sell a lot of copies.

It’s Jaycee Dugard, the girl who was kidnapped from her school bus stop at age 11 (the Mom in me dies a little bit, every time I think about it).  She was taken in by a man and his wife and molested the rest of her life, bearing two children to him, one at the age of 14!!  It’s horrific.  But, despite earlier reports to the police, someone finally followed through on an investigation and found her and returned her, at the age of 28, to her family.  You might be more familiar with this grade school picture.

It’s incredible, isn’t it?  Living in a tent in the back yard of that couple’s home, caring for two kids from baby to teens, and she hasn’t even changed on the outside.  Just a little buyer beware… there are no interviews with Jaycee in the magazine, or her immediate family.  The story is slapped together from interviews friends and outsiders have given about the situation.  People Magazine probably paid the family for the new picture for the cover, and if Jaycee is all right with that, I’m all right with that.  No money is going to give that little girl back her childhood, but maybe it can help her daughters, down the road.